Highgrove Gardens

Their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla call Highgrove their private residence. While the house remains off-limits to the public, they open the gates to the enchanting gardens between April and October each year. This allows visitors to experience the beauty and inspiration that Their Majesties hold so dear.

Over the past 40 years, a series of interlinked gardens have blossomed at Highgrove, each reflecting The King's artistic touch and nurtured with imagination and passion. Managed organically and with sustainability in mind, these havens have become vital habitats for diverse wildlife.

In 2021, stewardship of Highgrove Gardens passed to The King's Foundation. The Foundation, established in 2018 through a merger of several of His Majesty's previous charitable endeavours, also oversees other properties like Dumfries House, The Castle and Gardens of Mey, and The Garrison Chapel.

Learn about the gardens and estate history

Explore the extraordinary collection of gardens

Discover more about The King's Foundation